Late onset decreased milk supply

From the emails we receive and from the patients we see in our breastfeeding clinic, we believe that “late onset decreased milk supply” is a common problem and is often misdiagnosed as something else, frequently "reflux" and/or allergy to something in the mother's milk.  It’s

Who transfers the milk?

The video below is of a baby born at 35 weeks gestation (see a larger and longer version of the video), now 5 weeks old. The mother is breastfeeding and supplementing with a bottle. The video shows that the widely held notion that breastfeeding “tires out the baby”

Le droit d’allaiter

Beaucoup de femmes aimeraient allaiter leur bébé mais on ne leur donne pas le droit de le faire ou le droit de continuer à le faire. En fait, on dit à beaucoup d’entre elles qu’il n’y a aucune différence entre allaiter et nourrir son bébé

The Right to Breastfeed

Many women who would like to breastfeed are not given the right to breastfeed their baby or the right to continue breastfeeding their baby. In fact, many mothers are being told that there is no difference between breastfeeding and artificial feeding and thus are not being given the information to

Can You Tell whether a Baby’s Latch is Good?

Getting the best latch possible when a baby is breastfeeding is crucial for helping mothers with breastfeeding problems and it is one of the skills that we teach mothers at our breastfeeding clinic. A good latch is the basis for: Helping a mother with sore nipples. Helping the

Breastfeeding and low blood sugar

There are two measures that should be introduced into routine hospital practices after birth and whose absence in the vast majority of hospitals is causing many mothers to stop breastfeeding even though they had originally intended to breastfeed. First, babies should be skin to skin with