Breastfeeding the premature baby: Part 3

What about “fortifiers”? I will start off by saying that when I finished my pediatric training at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto in 1981, I was a believer, more or less, in the way we did things with regard to breastfeeding the babies in

Breastfeeding the Premature: Part 1

If mothers and full-term babies do not get good help with the initiation of breastfeeding in most hospitals, and they don’t, mothers and premature babies get even less help and more undermining of breastfeeding. Part 1: premature babies need to be in incubators? This is simply not

Inducing Lactation

A person might wish to induce lactation if: They are adopting a baby They have a gestational carrier for her biological baby If they are in a relationship with woman who is pregnant and wishes to help in breastfeeding the baby Another relationship, often transgender, where one or

Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery (Part 1)

PART 1 As with surgery in any part of the body, surgery on the breast should be undertaken only if necessary and only if other tests (ultrasound, MRI, for example) or treatment have not been helpful in defining or solving the problem. Unfortunately, many surgeons, even


As a followup to the recent post on breast compression, I would like to point out that how a baby latches on, is also very important to increasing the breastmilk intake by the baby. 作为对我最近发表的关于乳房按压这篇文章的跟进,我想强调宝宝的含乳姿势对于增加他的母乳摄入量也是非常重要的。   There is a shift in breastfeeding that should have occurred a long

Why are breastmilk and formula not the same?

Is formula the same as breastmilk?    There are many people, including many health professionals, who argue that there is no difference between breastmilk and formulas now that so many “improvements” in formula have been made and previously missing ingredients in formula have been added.  However, at the

What about nipple shields?

The use of nipple shields has become almost epidemic in North America and Europe. Nipple shields are seen as the answer to virtually all breastfeeding problems, from babies not latching on, to nipple soreness, to routine use for premature babies. Even the perception of a mother’s nipples

Late onset decreased milk supply

From the emails we receive and from the patients we see in our breastfeeding clinic, we believe that “late onset decreased milk supply” is a common problem and is often misdiagnosed as something else, frequently "reflux" and/or allergy to something in the mother's milk.  It’s

Who transfers the milk?

The video below is of a baby born at 35 weeks gestation (see a larger and longer version of the video), now 5 weeks old. The mother is breastfeeding and supplementing with a bottle. The video shows that the widely held notion that breastfeeding “tires out the baby”

Le droit d’allaiter

Beaucoup de femmes aimeraient allaiter leur bébé mais on ne leur donne pas le droit de le faire ou le droit de continuer à le faire. En fait, on dit à beaucoup d’entre elles qu’il n’y a aucune différence entre allaiter et nourrir son bébé