Breastfeeding and Maternal Illness Part 2

See also Breastfeeding and Maternal Illness  Part 1 Some infectious diseases A full discussion of all infectious diseases and breastfeeding could result in a book the size of War and Peace, so I will try to deal, briefly, only with those that seem to cause the most problems

Breastfeeding and Maternal Illness Part 1

Mothers are frequently told they must stop breastfeeding if they are sick, either acutely or chronically. In fact, it almost seems as if maternal illness is taken as an opportunity to “give mothers permission to stop breastfeeding” instead of re-assuring them that they can safely continue

Gastroenteritis in the Breastfed Baby

This article specifically discusses infection of the gastrointestinal tract because it is the most common acute infant illness that too many physicians and other health professionals insist require the mothers to interrupt breastfeeding.  Unfortunately, any and all possible acute infections in their breastfeeding baby or toddler

Maternal Medications and Breastfeeding

Here is one of the most common breastfeeding questions I receive: “I have been put on drug x and have been told I cannot breastfeed. Is that true?” The short answer is: Almost no medication taken by the mother requires her to stop or interrupt breastfeeding.

Using a lactation aid to supplement

Supplementing breastfeeding with a lactation aid at the breast Many mothers feel, rightly or wrongly, that they do not produce enough milk for their babies and end up supplementing their babies with donated breastmilk or formula. Their belief usually starts immediately after birth because in too


Getting the best latch possible when a baby is breastfeeding is crucial for helping mothers with breastfeeding problems and it is one of the skills that we teach mothers at our breastfeeding clinic. A good latch is the basis for:   在宝宝吃奶的时候尽可能的让宝宝的含乳姿势达到最佳是至关重要的。这能够帮助妈妈们解决哺乳中的问题。这也是我们教给来到我们哺乳诊所的母亲们的技巧之一。一个好的含乳姿势能够:   • Helping a mother with sore