Getting the best latch possible when a baby is breastfeeding is crucial for helping mothers with breastfeeding problems and it is one of the skills that we teach mothers at our breastfeeding clinic. A good latch is the basis for:
• Helping a mother with sore nipples.
• Helping the baby get more breastmilk from the breast.
• Preventing future problems such as blocked ducts, mastitis, late onset decreased milk supply and flow of breastmilk to the baby, late onset sore nipples, “reflux”, “allergy to something in the mother’s milk”.
• 帮助妈妈解决乳头疼痛的问题。
• 帮助宝宝从乳房得到更多的乳汁。
• 预防将来可能会出现的问题,比如:乳管堵塞、乳腺炎,迟发型奶量供应减少和流速变缓、迟发型乳头疼痛、所谓的“胃食管返流”以及所谓的“对母乳中的某些成分过敏”.
At our breastfeeding clinic we teach latching on differently from most others. We teach the mothers to use an asymmetric latch.
What does an asymmetric latch look like? The baby covers more of the areola with his lower lip than his upper lip and the chin is in the breast but the nose doesn’t touch the breast – the reason for the baby’s nose not touching the breast is not to help the baby breathe but rather to help the baby latch on as best possible and be able to better stimulate the breast with the lower gums and tongue and thus to get as much breastmilk as possible and to prevent or treat the underlying cause of sore nipples.
不对称的含乳姿势应该是什么样子呢? 首先,宝宝的下唇要比他的上唇覆盖更多的乳晕,下巴紧贴乳房,但鼻子不接触到乳房——婴儿鼻子不接触乳房的原因不是为了帮助宝宝呼吸,而是尽可能地帮助宝宝达到最佳的含乳姿势,并且能够用下牙龈和舌头更好地刺激乳房从而尽可能多地获得母乳。这也可以预防或治疗由于含乳姿势不佳这一潜在原因造成的乳头疼痛。
Take a look at the two photos below marked photo 1 and photo 2, both are photos of the same baby. Which of the photos shows a better latch – in other words, which of the photos shows a more asymmetric latch?
看看下面的两张照片,分别标记为照片1和照片2。两张都是同一个孩子的照片。哪张照片显示的含乳姿势更好呢? – 换句话说,哪张照片显示的更符合不对称的含乳呢?
Compare these two photos of a breastfeeding baby to determine which is an asymmetric latch.
You can find the answer if you read on. If you need help with the answer, read an article with photos which explains what an asymmetric latch is.
If you need help with breastfeeding in Toronto and area, make an appointment at our clinic.
At our clinic we have 30 years experience helping mothers with the asymmetric latch, and our lactation consultants have had training and have developed their skills to use the asymmetric latch to help mothers with a large variety of breastfeeding problems.
When you look at the two photos, photo 1 shows the baby latched on in a “traditional”, symmetric latch, which often works well enough if breastfeeding is going well and the mother is not experiencing problems with breastfeeding. In photo 1, the nose is close to the breast and the attachment is “bull’s eye” rather than asymmetric. Photo 2 shows an asymmetric latch which is better especially if the mother and baby are having difficulties with breastfeeding. The asymmetric latch works well to prevent problems in the first place. In photo 2, there is a space between the baby’s nose and the breast, the baby’s head is more tilted back (more extended) and the baby covers more of the areola with his lower lip than his upper lip with the nipple pointing more towards the roof of the baby’s mouth.
The answer to the question in the beginning of the article is photo 2.
If you need help with breastfeeding, make an appointment at our clinic.