
If you are looking to induce lactation (in order to breastfeed a baby born by surrogate or an adopted baby), rather than to relactate, see this article. It is possible to start breastfeeding again even after you have stopped for several weeks or months However, first of all, it

When the baby does not yet latch on

When a baby does not yet latch on, it can be very distressing for the mother, her partner, for the hospital staff, and for the rest of the family. A baby who does not latch on represents the third most common problem we see in our clinic, not

Breastfeeding the premature baby: Part 2

Premature babies cannot start going to the breast until 34 weeks gestation? This is simply not true. Experience and evidence (see references at bottom) from Scandinavia clearly show that babies can go to the breast well before 30 weeks gestation and as early as 27 weeks

Breastfeeding the Premature: Part 1

If mothers and full-term babies do not get good help with the initiation of breastfeeding in most hospitals, and they don’t, mothers and premature babies get even less help and more undermining of breastfeeding. Part 1: premature babies need to be in incubators? This is simply not