Response to SciMoms

Recently, an article has been published on line by Kavin Senapathy on SciMoms. It pretends that all the evidence about the importance of breastfeeding is pure propaganda and pretends that mothers truly have the possibility of making informed decisions about how they will feed their

One sided feedings or two?

Many mothers are now being advised to feed the baby on one breast at a feeding only.  Though the number who email me about breastfeeding problems varies from day to day, usually, on any given day about 1 in 4 of mothers experiencing breastfeeding problems

Breastfeeding the Sick Baby Part 2

When a baby is ill, either with an acute or a chronic illness, it is important to make every effort to ensure that the mother continue breastfeeding him. In fact, it is not only possible, but good for both the baby and the mother to

Breastfeeding the premature baby: Part 3

What about “fortifiers”? I will start off by saying that when I finished my pediatric training at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto in 1981, I was a believer, more or less, in the way we did things with regard to breastfeeding the babies in

Breastfeeding the premature baby: Part 2

Premature babies cannot start going to the breast until 34 weeks gestation? This is simply not true. Experience and evidence (see references at bottom) from Scandinavia clearly show that babies can go to the breast well before 30 weeks gestation and as early as 27 weeks