
If you are looking to induce lactation (in order to breastfeed a baby born by surrogate or an adopted baby), rather than to relactate, see this article. It is possible to start breastfeeding again even after you have stopped for several weeks or months However, first of all, it


Domperidone can be very useful to increase the mother’s milk supply and, more importantly, milk flow from the mother to the baby. An important point: If all mothers had the best start with breastfeeding, from the very start, having as few interventions as is reasonable during labour

When the baby does not yet latch on

When a baby does not yet latch on, it can be very distressing for the mother, her partner, for the hospital staff, and for the rest of the family. A baby who does not latch on represents the third most common problem we see in our clinic, not

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk? (Part 2)

Our approach to increasing the baby’s intake of breastmilk when the baby is not getting as much as we would like is based on four principles: 1. When breastfeeding goes well it is easy and pleasant for the mother and the baby. When breastfeeding is not

Using a lactation aid to supplement

Supplementing breastfeeding with a lactation aid at the breast Many mothers feel, rightly or wrongly, that they do not produce enough milk for their babies and end up supplementing their babies with donated breastmilk or formula. Their belief usually starts immediately after birth because in too

Why are breastmilk and formula not the same?

Is formula the same as breastmilk?    There are many people, including many health professionals, who argue that there is no difference between breastmilk and formulas now that so many “improvements” in formula have been made and previously missing ingredients in formula have been added.  However, at the