Quando um bebê está doente, seja doença aguda ou crônica, é importante se esforçar o máximo possível para garantir que a mãe continue a amamentá-lo. Na verdade, não só é possível como benéfico para o bebê e para a mãe continuar amamentando. Bebês doentes precisam

Breastfeeding the Sick Baby Part 2

When a baby is ill, either with an acute or a chronic illness, it is important to make every effort to ensure that the mother continue breastfeeding him. In fact, it is not only possible, but good for both the baby and the mother to

Why are breastmilk and formula not the same?

Is formula the same as breastmilk?    There are many people, including many health professionals, who argue that there is no difference between breastmilk and formulas now that so many “improvements” in formula have been made and previously missing ingredients in formula have been added.  However, at the