To Sleep, perchance to dream

It is the dream of every parent of young babies and toddlers to get some sleep. Endless longing to be able to sleep influences how people feel about breastfeeding since they attribute much of their lack of sleep to breastfeeding. “Sleep issues” are among the top

Starting babies on food

Modern medicine, in a worthwhile desire to avoid problems associated with poor eating habits, has developed rules about the feeding of food to babies that have made eating food a complicated, frightening and a tiresome exercise. These rules are even more complicated when parents must choose

One sided feedings or two?

Many mothers are now being advised to feed the baby on one breast at a feeding only.  Though the number who email me about breastfeeding problems varies from day to day, usually, on any given day about 1 in 4 of mothers experiencing breastfeeding problems


Domperidone can be very useful to increase the mother’s milk supply and, more importantly, milk flow from the mother to the baby. An important point: If all mothers had the best start with breastfeeding, from the very start, having as few interventions as is reasonable during labour

Breastfeeding, bilirubin and jaundice

See a separate discussion of So Called Breastmilk Jaundice It is usual and normal for babies to become jaundiced in the first few days after birth.  But the bilirubin that causes the yellow colour of the baby’s skin is protective, it’s an antioxidant (the two links take you to