A Little Girl Breastfeeding

It is common to see little children, both girls and boys, especially if they themselves were breastfed, play pretend games where they breastfeed their dolls as well as many other toys, even cars and dinosaurs which are definitely not mammals. Children learn by observing and doing.

Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery (Part 1)

PART 1 As with surgery in any part of the body, surgery on the breast should be undertaken only if necessary and only if other tests (ultrasound, MRI, for example) or treatment have not been helpful in defining or solving the problem. Unfortunately, many surgeons, even

À propos des téterelles

L’utilisation des téterelles a pris des proportions épidémiques en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Les téterelles sont perçues comme la solution à la plupart des problèmes d’allaitement, des bébés qui ne prennent pas le sein à la douleur aux mamelons, jusqu’à leur utilisation de


As a followup to the recent post on breast compression, I would like to point out that how a baby latches on, is also very important to increasing the breastmilk intake by the baby. 作为对我最近发表的关于乳房按压这篇文章的跟进,我想强调宝宝的含乳姿势对于增加他的母乳摄入量也是非常重要的。   There is a shift in breastfeeding that should have occurred a long

Why are breastmilk and formula not the same?

Is formula the same as breastmilk?    There are many people, including many health professionals, who argue that there is no difference between breastmilk and formulas now that so many “improvements” in formula have been made and previously missing ingredients in formula have been added.  However, at the

What about nipple shields?

The use of nipple shields has become almost epidemic in North America and Europe. Nipple shields are seen as the answer to virtually all breastfeeding problems, from babies not latching on, to nipple soreness, to routine use for premature babies. Even the perception of a mother’s nipples

Du reflux ou pas?

Voici un courriel typique de parents inquiets à propos de « reflux » La mère d’un nourrisson de 4 mois, (7,2 kg) 15lbs 13 oz écrit: « Mon bébé prend des médicaments pour le reflux depuis qu’il a 7 semaines parce qu’il régurgite beaucoup et qu’il s’étouffe lorsqu’il est couché.